The Basics of Safely Storing Ammunition

Many modern consumers are purchasing guns as a way to increase the security of their homes. Proper gun handling techniques involve never pointing the gun at anyone whether or not it is loaded, always keeping it put away and locked when not in use, and making certain that the ammunition littleton is stored safely. Most people choose to store their ammunition in separate areas from their guns to add an increased layer of safety to the situation. However, it is also important to store the ammunition in places that provide the right environment so that the ammunition doesn't inadvertently become ruined.

Most ammunition should last about 10 years if those who store it follow certain procedures. Ammunition is designed to function well at both spectrums of the outdoor temperature range and anything in between. For that reason, it should never be stored in an environment that is extremely hot or extremely cold. More importantly, however, is that it should not be stored in areas that experience temperature fluctuations. Consistency is the key to making certain the ammunition retains its structural integrity. Ammunition should never be stored in an unheated garage, for instance, where it could be negatively impacted by fluctuating outdoor temperatures.

Bullets should never be stored in the trunk of a vehicle because temperatures in those enclosed areas can easily soar to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and above in a matter of hours on an average summer day. Most experts agree that 150 degrees the point where heat seriously begins to damage most bullets. For the most part, heat is more damaging to ammunition that cold. Another factor to keep in mind when selecting a storage space for ammunition is humidity. High humidity levels will cause most ammunition to become warped over a period of time, and like temperatures, fluctuating humidity levels can result in extreme damage to ammunition.

Bullets that have been warped can damage the gun's barrel when they are fired, and they also fail to shoot straight the majority of the time. For this reason, basements are not considered to be good environments for storing ammunition, especially if they have telltale signs of high humidity levels such as musty odors or visible mold and mildew. The best way to store ammunition is to place it in a sealed and locked plastic container in a temperature-controlled environment. Many gun owners choose to place a small dehumidifier nearby.