1911 Pistols — Which is the Best Manufactured Type

Is a custom manufactured 1911 pistol better than those in original condition? Boy, that question can start a fist fight at a convention. People get heated up about which is better. Let's have a look at this logically. Original Manufacture 1911 Pistols What "original manufacture" means is guns that are older, and made before modern gunsmithing "improved" the process. Those old 1911's use composite metals that were weaker than steel. The original guns started in the 1890's —that is what we mean by old. Those old guns wore out quickly and became damaged easily. When talking about a daily shooter, this quality of pistol is not the best. They make great conversation pieces, and they do fire and work, but many have replacement parts.

Modern Gunsmithing and Pistols Modern gunsmithing has its problems too. The quality of the gun is equal to the quality of its parts, and the skill of the gunsmith. Technically, the process should be light years ahead of traditional manufacturing, but there are manufacturers who make incredibly well-made guns. The power of gunsmith is in the results. Mostly, the benefit is a customized pistol that fits a hand like a glove. All of our hands are different shapes and sizes and with mass manufacturing, the hand must fit the gun. With gunsmithing, the shooter gets a gun that fits their hand for pistols and their body for rifles. To that end, a custom piece is superior.

Modern Manufacturing of Pistols Much of the problem that the original 1911 pistols had was corrected when modern manufacturing moved forward with better metals and better manufacturing techniques such as laser cutting, and computer precision tools. The biggest benefit from mass manufactured guns is that they are often cheaper than a custom built unit. Also, modern manufacturing has improved ammunition construction too. Stop by a gun shop and explore the selection of ammunition littleton.

Which is the Better Gun? The answer to that question comes down to the gun owner. If the price of a gun is not an obstacle, a custom built gun is likely the best options. If the price of a gun is an obstacle than the best bet is likely a well made, mass manufactured gun. If the intent is to add to a collection than any of these guns are fun, but the old guns get people excited. One last note on mass manufactured guns. Many manufacturers have high-quality standards that can rival many custom gunsmith shops. A good gun shop is a perfect place to try out many styles of 1911 pistols and to become familiar with the variety of ammunition.